Sunday, 14 January 2024

Тирск: йоркширские tutti quanti — Заключение (ч. 4; En)

And just like that, our Thirsk journey has ended: Cambridge suddenly met us with a couple of flurries and surprisingly (in a good sense) cold-ish weather (0/-1º C).
I fell in love with the North: people there are nice and friendly, without any sign of arrogance or a condescending attitude. A very old lady in a queue (we decided to buy a few pies in a local bakery before our departure, simply because you cannot leave Yorkshire without its staple foods) let us go ahead of her, saying that we were there earlier than her: to be quite honest, I can’t imagine anything even remotely similar happening here, in Cambridge, where people are much more self-absorbed.
I love this work by Chris Dunn below: it perfectly illustrates every little Thirsk shop and the locals who calmly and slowly go about their business in their flat caps.

Chris Dunn)

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