Sunday, 31 December 2023
Happy New Year! (En)
Christmas Tree-2023: часть 2
И елка in full glory днем (без этих фотографий, конечно, никуда) плюс вечерние фото каминной полки (они тоже необходимы):
Christmas Tree-2023: часть 1
Традиция есть традиция, а значит, завершающими постами этого года снова станут фото нашей елки — вечером и днем (следующий пост). В этом году она поменьше, чем в предыдущем, но все такая же пушистая и красивая, с нежным еловым ароматом.
Итоги года
Saturday, 30 December 2023
“Dunwich” illustrated by Baranger: now in Cambridge (En)
So, my copy of the latest Baranger book is here and has joined the rest of the squad (I don’t remember posting them here, so I have to do it next year I guess).
“A Post Mortem on the Gino Case”: a hot mess, P. 2 (En)
One former graduate student thought that she caught Gino plagiarizing portions of a literature review, but tried to convince herself that it was an honest error. Later, in a study for a different paper, “Gino was, like, ‘I had an idea for an additional experiment that would tie everything together, and I already collected the data and wrote it up—here are the results.’ ” The former graduate student added, “My adviser was, like, ‘Did you design the study together? No. Did you know it was going to happen? No. Has she sent you the data? No. Something off is happening here.’ ” (Gino declined to address these allegations on the record.) ©
“A Post Mortem on the Gino Case”: a hot mess (En)
The story so far is very banal. I, a (very) early-career researcher, took a deep dive into a famous paper and discovered inconsistencies. These stories always start with “that’s odd…”, “it doesn’t make any sense…”, or “there is something off here…”. Then, I second-guessed myself, a lot. After all, the authors are famous, serious people; and the paper is published in a prestigious peer-reviewed journal. So I thought “I must have misunderstood,” “I must be missing a part of the puzzle,” “it was probably addressed during the peer review process”… Then, as I finally grew more confident that the issues were real and substantial, I decided to write about them. ©
Monteverdi Vespers of 1610 (концерт в Клэр)
‘Starve Acre’: a new folk horror (En)
The film is thus set in the precise era when many of its most obvious influences, including “The Wicker Man” and “Don’t Look Now,” would have been on cinema screens — not that anybody’s going to the movies in this remote, wind-whipped enclave, where even television seems a slightly anachronistic imposition on the local lifestyle, fitting only when the faulty local signal collapses the image into blaring static. ©
Looking forward to watching it in 2024.
“The French Dispatch”: a visual analysis (En)
Wimpole Hall and Home Farm: P. 2 “Wimpole Estate: an interior design” (Photos, En)
Дисклеймер перед завершением года
Как обычно, в последние два дня перед Новым годом я размещаю несколько отложенных в долгий ящик постов, до которых, наконец-то, дошли руки. При этом я не предусматриваю для них какого-то особого хронологического порядка: пусть идут как идут, главное — не забыть. Поехали.
Австрийские tutti quanti: P. S., Hundertwasser House, details (photos, En)
Австрийские tutti quanti: P. S., architectural details (photos, En)
Австрийские tutti quanti: P. 15, Departure (photos, En)
Австрийские tutti quanti: P. 14 (The Belvedere Palace—the Northern Renaissance; photos, En)
Friday, 29 December 2023
Австрийские tutti quanti: P. 13 (The Belvedere Palace—Klimt, Schiele etc; photos, En)
“The Woman in Black” (2011; En): instead of a review
Thursday, 28 December 2023
NecronomiCon: a big announcement-2024
Итак, НекрономиКону-2024 быть: Нильс объявил даты. На этот раз конвенция состоится 15-18 августа, чуть раньше, чем обычно, и я начинаю обратный отсчет до заветной даты. 12 января можно будет букировать туры и заказывать билеты на все панели и секции. The stars will be right again, и я очень жду нового симпозиума и встреч с любимыми коллегами.