Monday 21 November 2022

I stopped sharing from LitHub back in 2017 or around this time, because they had too many pet peeves for my taste. But there are exceptions: a recent article about Ambrose Bierce and the current one, about historical figures behind two fin de siècle obsessions with occult and paranormal—Ouija board and reinvented Tarot cards. Worth reading.
To add to the lore surrounding the mysterious name, the owners of the Kennard Novelty Company said that the Ouija name was con­firmed because Nosworthy was wearing a locket that day with a woman’s picture and the name ouija printed inside. Most scholars think that Nosworthy’s locket most likely contained a picture of the writer (and women’s rights activist) Ouida, but that wouldn’t be quite as eerie as the original story. ©

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