Thursday 6 January 2022

Православный Сочельник

Вифлееме, уготовися, благоукраситеся, ясли, вертепе, приими: Истина прииде. Сень мимотече, и Бог человеком от Девы явися, вообразився якоже мы и обожив плоть. Тем Адам обновляется, со Евою зовуще: на земли благоволение явися спасти род наш.
Ныне пророческое прорицание исполнитися грядет, тайно глаголющее: и ты, Вифлееме, земле Иудова, никакоже наречешися менши во владыках, предуготовляющи вертеп: из тебе бо ми изыдет Игумен языков во плоти, от Девы Отроковицы Христос Бог, Иже упасет люди Своя новаго Израиля; дадим Ему вси величие.

Prepare, O Bethlehem, and let the manger make ready and the cave receive; for truth hath come, and shadow hath passed. And God hath appeared to mankind from the Virgin, taking our likeness and deifying our nature. Wherefore, Adam and Eve are made new, crying, Goodwill hath appeared on earth to save our race.
God cometh from Teman, the Holy One from the mountain overshadowed by the forest. O Lord, I have heard of the report of Thee and was afraid; I considered Thy works and was amazed.
Now, hath come the time for the aforesaid prophecy mystically uttered to be fulfilled; namely, And thou Bethlehem in the land of Judah art not the least among princes, having gone before and prepared the cave; for out of thee shall come a Governor of nations, from the Virgin Maiden incarnate, by Whom I mean Christ God Who shall govern His people, the new Israel. Let us therefore, ascribe unto Him magnification.

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