(Еще один пост на английском)
If in 1993 someone had told me that I would meet the Twin Peaks people in real life, I would've laughed a lot. But it happened: Isn't it too dreamy?
Meeting with Dana Ashbrook (Bobby Briggs in the Twin Peaks series) became one of the brightest moments that happened during the Twin Peaks UK Festival: still absolutely recognisable as a rebellious teen from the first two seasons, and a deputy in the Twin Peaks Sheriff's Department in TPTR, Dana was lovely to all Peakies—kind, friendly, cheerful, and courteous. While queueing during the meet&greet session, I noticed that he found some special words for each and every fan, trying hard to make the meeting as personal as possible.
As I approached him, he smiled so wholeheartedly that I did indeed feel that I had met an old friend (that’s what good actors could do to us, regular people!): he asked me a few questions, mostly about my TP experience, and I told him my story—18-year-old me in 1993, a freshman at the uni, devouring all episodes, discovering a whole new world, which he was an inseparable part of—and he was visibly moved. Looking back, I think that I definitely made several silly mistakes in my speech, but, honestly, I don’t want to reflect on them much, simply because the occasion was too great and fantastic.
And a few photos that we managed to take while I was waiting my turn in meet&greet.