Tuesday 6 April 2021

Ламентационно-экологическое (традиционное)

Нет, всё-таки climate change — это вам не фунт изюму. В филологической рассылке пришло очередное приглашение на семинар (все же помнят, что каждый литературовед — практикующий эколог par excellence, а каждый суслик — агроном):  

“Addressing the overlapping issues of social oppression and spatial injustice – such as exploitation of natural resources, unsustainable urbanisation, aggressive agriculture – demands a radical transformation of local, national and global spaces. Energy transitions, investments in public infrastructures and services, provisioning of safe and affordable housing, and restoration of green and blue spaces are just some of the changes we need to see. Emergency governmental responses to COVID-19 initiated rapid and radical societal changes that would have previously been unimaginable to many.

Taking the pandemic response as one of the examples of a possible paradigm shift in terms of the kind of political action that can be imagined, this workshop emphasises the vital role of speculative fiction, film and visual art in shaping the physical world. Amid the global pandemic, and at the doorstep of climate breakdown, how can imaginative practices address and rectify spatial injustice? 

Speculative literature and art – understood broadly here as a category encompassing science fiction, fantasy, eco-fiction, utopia and dystopia – have long been concerned with imagining space differently. In depicting future or alternative worlds, artists can explore the spatial dynamics of oppression, exploitation and despoliation under today’s global capitalism. Yet, is it possible to go from cultural representation to societal transformation? Can our “reflection upon the virtual guide our understanding of the real (or actual)”, as Henri Lefebvre suggested in his seminal work The Production of Space (1974)? How can we see the spaces of speculative art as potential shapers of healthier and fairer environments? Conversely, how do these artworks deny visions and narratives which erase the spatial abuses of our past, present and future?”

Надо заявиться, я считаю. С темой «Соя как перформативный агент иммерсивных практик эко-сопротивления». 

Тэги: нас утро встречает прохладой, ты гибнешь, Игорек, existential dread

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