Saturday 4 April 2020

Хроники самоизоляции: социальная дистанция (En)

So, our shopping journey today* should’ve looked exactly the same as the previous ones, yet it was different – mainly because all supermarkets have recently introduced more restrictive measures of social distancing, which simply means the practice “one in—one out”: only one person can enter the shop, while the rest wait in a queue, unless it’s a family (I am not sure how many members are allowed, but I believe that two people going into the store is still fine).
And here we go: there was a small queue outside Marx&Engels, formed from visibly tense yet quiet folks who tried hard to stay away from each other. We were fourth or fifth there, and, then again, it reminded me of my early years in the late USSR— “did you stay here? I don’t remember you: prove it” etc. Nothing like that happened here, of course, but the memory was alive and kicking.
While inside, we were slightly lost for a moment: I don’t know why, but the very first thing I grabbed was a bouquet of white tulips: a woman with a trolley gave me a look full of confusion: “Flowers? Really? You are a silly one, aren’t you?” I took another bouquet (small buds of yellow tulips) as well.
The shopping staff at M&S was amazing: those young men and women worked literally nonstop: added new goods to the stalls, washed all surfaces with sanitisers, and did everything as quickly and professionally as you can imagine. Many of them looked exhausted, yet they didn’t stop even for a minute, but smiled to you and were always ready there to help. My utmost respect to them all: they did—and continue to do—a brilliant job, saving us all.
As for the selection—well, certain things came back (like fruits and veggies, fresh dairy and canned food, and also kitchen towels), while the notorious loo roll and flour were still absent. Honestly, the people who stockpile it must have lots of fun with baking and producing the results of it in their bathrooms, otherwise I can’t explain that peculiar obsession.
Anyway, we bought everything we needed (not much), and our walk home was as serene as one can imagine, but with a glimpse of sorrow as well. I still hope it won’t be long, but what do I know?

*Technically speaking, it was yesterday, but whatever

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