Friday 12 March 2021

Как испортить вполне адекватную рецензию на новую историческую монографию об Аларихе и вестготах? Легко: одним росчерком пера присобачить в конце неизменный запрос на повесточку. В советских диссерах нельзя было, помнится, во Введении обойтись без цитат из Ленина и текущего съезда партии, а теперь вот новье подогнали. «Сквозь призму современного переживания травмы», да ты ж ебанись. 
“We even get a taste of the conspiracy theorist Q in Bishop Ambrose of Milan, who ‘preached about the contentious debates in the Roman Senate and reminded Christians that they were locked in a spiritual war against the forces of evil. Fed a regular dose of his vivid, apocalyptic language, many Christians came to believe that angels were fighting demons for control of their empire and that only the Emperor Theodosius deserved their unqualified support.’ 
It’s easy to condemn the widespread appropriation of the Greco-Roman past by the alt-right in recent years. Misunderstood Greek phrases and images of Roman statues that have been scrubbed clean of their original colours fuel online narratives of white supremacy. Correcting the mistakes has proved entirely ineffective; turning the tables may be a better idea. Boin published his book before the attack on the US Capitol, but his reading of the ancient past through the lens of contemporary trauma offers a fitting epitaph to a regime that did not fall but petered out – and a reminder that even a failed sack can be given meaning.” ©

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