Saturday 6 February 2021

We’re now have reached the point when any outdoor activity is regarded as not exactly like a glimpse of normality, but something absolutely outstanding and equally mind-boggling. Can anyone relate to this or is it just me projecting and exaggerating?
Anyway, we visited Tom’s Cakes after a long break: of course, you still cannot eat inside (and god only knows when you will), but, at least, we managed to buy some nice cake (coffee & walnut, I see you! Let’s pretend that all your calories will evaporate just like that leaving you with overall goodness and the lack of guilt, lol).
There were lots of folks going out and about, and it also felt refreshing: despite the ghastly weather, all the streets were busy.
On the way home, while approaching our house, we were reminded of Pickle’s semi-Doppelgänger, Monty, who lives a few doors down the street. Monty is nice, although somewhat timid and a bit cross-eyed; also, his fur lacks that glorious shine of Pickle’s. We haven’t yet decided whether his full name is Montague or Montgomery. I guess the first, L. disagrees.

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