Friday 22 October 2021

A brief update on Pickle.
He’s come back from a biopsy surgery*, and is feeling perky and hungry. I gave him half of his lunch, as our nurse suggested, and also some treats and nibbles.
The place on his back where the biopsy was performed, is shaved, and the boy has got a few stitches in there: doctors recommended to watch them carefully, preventing all possible scratches and inflammations in the area; we also have to keep him indoors for the next two days (which would be a bit of a challenge, because he’s already determined to sneak out). They also provided us with medication, Loxicom, which is a pain control treatment after surgical procedures (I’ll start to give him this one from tomorrow).
I’ve been told that the biopsy results will be ready at the end of the next week due to a busy schedule in the lab.
So, that’s that: we are waiting and hoping for the best.
UPD. He’s also purring loudly, because he’s the goodest of all boys.
*I did ask a second opinion from another vet and was requested to not hesitate and to make a biopsy ASAP

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