Ok, this is the second Lovecraftian map from the fantastic Cultzilla, the Dunwich one. I decided to frame it in a standard way in order to flip the sides from time to time. I know it looks busy with a lamp in front of it, but I did it on purpose as it provokes even more interest to the details of the map if you come closer (the *actual* map is on the other side at the moment, but here you can see the main locations from the story–Dunwich, Whateley Farm etc.). Oh, and in my opinion it looks fabulous next to the ATMOM replica!
Wednesday, 31 May 2023
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Tuesday, 30 May 2023
It’s been six years since our trip to Nice (which I had quite mixed feelings about; as lovely as it was, it certainly helped me to understand that I always would choose Cromer over Côte d'Azur), and we decided to zhuzh up an “artsy wall” in L.’s home office a bit: until now, the two Chagall posters we bought at his museum in Nice were hung next to my Lovecraftian memorabilia, and they had always seemed somewhat out of place. As I am waiting for two new frames for my maps of Dunwich and Arkham, the decision was taken effortlessly and Chagall joined our beloved view of Cromer by Sarah McMenemy, tutti quanti with Pinocchio from Florence, ROH’s posters for their enchanting “Alice in Wonderland” ballet etc.
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Monday, 29 May 2023
My Precious has arrived: three double-sided posters of Arkham, Innsmouth and Dunwich Maps by the fabulous Cultzilla. I’ve framed the Innsmouth one already in the same manner as I did HPL’s sketch replica of his Mountains of Madness manuscript, and I am thoroughly satisfied with the result. More to come, of course.
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Sunday, 28 May 2023
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Saturday, 27 May 2023
Friday, 26 May 2023
В общем, у меня то густо, то пусто: было некоторое затишье, а сейчас внезапно подвалило редакторской работы, которая на поверхности казалась почти завершенной, ну и придется слегка переделать старую статью для нового сборника (до середины июня!) и написать отзыв на магистерскую диссертацию. Однако! Ну да ничего: много работы всегда лучше, чем вязкая тоскливая пустота.
Thursday, 25 May 2023
Тут подумалось, что в свод неписаных правил для каждого вовлеченного в изучение/описание литературы в ее различных формах*, кроме очевидных «изъясняться грамотно и по делу, исследовать тексты тщательно и с холодной головой, не заимствовать без особой нужды, а заимствуя, всегда ссылаться на источник», хорошо бы добавить что-нибудь вроде «не впадай в соцсетевую прелесть», «не давай внутренней Филологической Деве карт-бланш на эмоциональную экспансию», «не злоупотребляй почтенным жанром былички», а главное и самое, пожалуй, трудное – «не пиши, когда можешь не писать».
Касается всех причастных, включая и вашу покорную слугу.
С Днем Филолога!
* Назовем это современной версией “De nuptiis Philologiae et Mercurii”
«Поговорим об науке»©
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Wednesday, 24 May 2023
Tuesday, 23 May 2023
The Abbey: Part 4 (Misc; En)
And last (but certainly not least) part of the Abbey—grotesques and other stone carvings on the roof timbers and corbels and a few more pics of the Abbey outside.
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Monday, 22 May 2023
The Abbey: Part 3 (The Altar; En)
Usually I am not a big fan of the most of the 1920/30s take on Gothic Revival, but this particular altar is incredible: it is a work of a renowned Scottish architect, Sir Ninian Comper, and it is a marvel (the altar was completed in the 1937).
The four angels of the Apocalypse on the canopy bear a remarkable resemblance to Jean Cocteau’s art, which makes the whole scene even more dynamic.
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Sunday, 21 May 2023
Lily of the valley: suddenly (En)
And just like that, we suddenly got plenty of lily of the valley near our garage where they are barely visible. I gathered a handful of them and put them in the kitchen, which now is permeated with their lovely delicate scent.
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Saturday, 20 May 2023
Mum would’ve been 74 today, but instead stays forever young. I am much older than her already.
In the first photo she is a student, enjoying her time at the uni with friends and taking lovely and silly pics, as many of us have done.
The second is a shot taken in one of those numerous photo-booths: it’s 1981, Sochi, and she is slightly tanned already. I do remember our trip with her and Dad: that was one of my happiest memories.
Friday, 19 May 2023
Here is something that people would agree is true about vintage dolls: they are terrifying. Ostensibly a little girl in her preppy Edwardian attire, but her pretty clay face is simultaneously the epitome of uncanny valley. And, of course, the creepier the better: that is why I love my new doll-face ring.
Thursday, 18 May 2023
Wednesday, 17 May 2023
Что такое зрелость? Это когда ты находишь под дверью пачку листовок, рекламирующих отличный дом престарелых неподалеку (Фулборн: эко-поселение со спортплощадками и кафетерием в шаговой доступности), и каталоги женской одежды и обуви, в которых дамы на фото выглядят как гибрид Джоан Коллинз из «Династии» и учительницы музыки Раисы Николаевны. Ты рассеянно их просматриваешь, прикидывая, как это в целом будет сочетаться с посещением Ктулху-конов, и приходишь к выводу, что секцию «лавкрафтианские бабки» ты за собой уже застолбила.
Tuesday, 16 May 2023
The Abbey: Part 2 (The Triptych and the stained glass: En)
What drew my attention immediately was the exquisite Triptych in the Lady Chapel, which was designed in the Arts & Crafts style by Edward Prioleau Warren, a British architect and archaeologist; the paintings for the panels were done by William Dacres Adams; it dates around 1904.
What is even more peculiar is stained glass on the north window in the Lady Chapel, which is a work by Joseph Grant of Costessey and, unlike other early Victorian creations, has this eccentric twist in portraying the main characters in a manner unquestionably much more modern (the actual design was made in 1840).
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Monday, 15 May 2023
The Abbey: Part 1 (The Angels; En)
The idea to visit Wymondham Abbey stayed with us forever as we always kept it in mind while visiting Norwich and Cromer, but something had always prevented us from going there, and today we finally decided to do it—and didn’t regret it at all. While we were trying to find the Abbey, the weather was ghastly, with heavy rains and bleak clouds, but once we found it, everything suddenly lightened a bit, and the rest of our short trip was pleasant and serene.
The Abbey is old (going back as far as the first part of the 12th century): once it was a lavish Benedictine priory when the monks started fighting with the local congregation for the ultimate right to be there.
Nobody won as it was a fruitless battle, and then the Reformation swept the priory away and abolished monasticism. The Abbey fell into ruins and the largest part of it was completely destroyed, but the centrepiece, the church, remained intact, and it’s a gem, and I, who has seen many gorgeous English churches, mean it: it’s a true masterpiece of Norman architecture, with its roof and Norman nave, full of quite peculiar angels.
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Sunday, 14 May 2023
When surfing over eBay for purposes not related to either HPL or the other Mythos circle authors, I suddenly came across this “Astounding Stories” issue. I know that you can find them elsewhere, of course, although the one from June, 1936, with HPL’s “Shadow Out of Time”, might be quite pricey. Mine cost only £17. Good find.
(Also, Frank Belknap Long, of course)
HP Lovecraft
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Saturday, 13 May 2023
Nothings and triviality
Когда ты идешь по немного обшарпанному кембриджскому закоулку, видишь красивое, оказавшееся автомобилем Астон Мартин (Л. просветил: я разбираюсь в машинах примерно так же, как среднестатистический тиктокер в микрохроматических экспериментах Булеза), а из него вылезает человек и со всех ног бежит в единственную еще открытую (суббота же, почти четыре пополудни) забегаловку за сомнительной сосиской в тесте, чтобы успеть буквально за секунду до вежливо захлопнутой перед носом двери.
Friday, 12 May 2023
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