Tuesday, 30 May 2023

It’s been six years since our trip to Nice (which I had quite mixed feelings about; as lovely as it was, it certainly helped me to understand that I always would choose Cromer over Côte d'Azur), and we decided to zhuzh up an “artsy wall” in L.’s home office a bit: until now, the two Chagall posters we bought at his museum in Nice were hung next to my Lovecraftian memorabilia, and they had always seemed somewhat out of place. As I am waiting for two new frames for my maps of Dunwich and Arkham, the decision was taken effortlessly and Chagall joined our beloved view of Cromer by Sarah McMenemy, tutti quanti with Pinocchio from Florence, ROH’s posters for their enchanting “Alice in Wonderland” ballet etc.

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