Saturday, 3 December 2022

Mill Road Winter Fair: tutti quanti (En)

I’ve been craving to go to Mill Road Winter Fair for ages: like the Botanical Garden’s Apple Day, another staple Cambridge holiday, it had been cancelled for two years, due to the pandemic, and it was sad.
Cambridge Winter Fair can be regarded as gaudy and certainly carnivalesque; it was a wise move from the City Council to choose Mill Road with its cul-de-sacs: you simply cannot find another street in Cambridge (or perhaps in the whole of Cambs) as bright and multicultural as this one.
Once a year Mill Road is completely closed to motorists, and it looks like all Cantabrigians are gathering here—walking, Morris dancing, eating street food (Mexican, Indian, North African, you name it) and drinking gallons of mulled wine, which is served at every other step.
It’s noisy and messy, and usually I hate it, but not in this case: I love to become a particle of this festive beast once a year, and today it was even more essential than ever.

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