Saturday 13 November 2021

Nothings and triviality

You know that it is that time of the year when:
1. Cambridge buses display a crude digital image, the sledges drawn by reindeer carrying Father Christmas, next to the destinations—Babraham, Cherry Hinton, Fulbourn etc.
2. The official competition between all the big supermarkets on which mince pies and mulled wine are better has began (our current favourites are the traditional mince pies from M&S and zesty/zingy ones from Tesco).
3. The collection of new Christmas Tree themes in John Lewis has been launched, and you simply cannot choose your favourite—Festive Field? Snow Mountain? Gemstone Forest? You love them all (nevermind the price and the fact that it is not even the middle of November yet).
4. It is getting really crowded when shopping: despite trying your best, you are constantly pushed aside with a stiffly mumbled “excuse me,” “pardon,” “would you, please,” which sound a bit like “bloody hell,” “bollocks,” and “bugger off” respectively.
5. You still need time and space to process the fact of how dark it gets so early.
6. You are thinking of the possibility to have a fire in your fireplace, dismissing the forecast, which shows that it’s still officially +14.
7. It is time to order your Christmas Tree, which, as usual, will come much later than to all of your neighbours: they will have it at least two weeks earlier. You are Russian, and your tree will be with you much longer anyway, so there.
8. Your usual existential dread about all the work plans that failed is getting alive and merry (unlike you).
9. You still hope to see a glimpse of snow. Somewhere. One day. Ok, for a second. Ok-ok, that was a lame joke.
10. You just love murky, grim and muddy November.

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