Wednesday 16 June 2021

So, apparently, it is ok to visit the grave of a famous person, to leave crap there, to film it and to shitpost about it afterwards.
I am talking about the post in one of the Lovecraftian groups in which a miserable excuse for a human being left a pack of spaghetti (referring, ya know, to the Flying Spaghetti Monster) on HPL’s tombstone and filmed it. ’cause if you don’t find it funny, “you are the problem” (or how they word it on Twitter and Reddit, I forgot: sorry not sorry).
Nah, I am good. I also know the rules of this game quite well: you laugh until someone else starts rolf’ing at your own expense. No, it’s not funny. Yes, it’s fucking cringy, not to mention low in everything. But, I guess, the miserable dweebs who think that they are audacious trolls don’t see that the joke is on them.
HPL will be fine. His works will be good as well. Jerks and twats, on the other hand, will meet the void and will fade into oblivion even faster than the video will be shared a few times. Dixi.

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