Thursday, 31 October 2024

Scott Connors: in Memoriam

Lovecraftian and Clark Ashton Smith researcher and author, Scott Connors, has died. I met Scott in 2017 at one of the NecronomiCon panels: he was a brilliant scholar and very interesting to talk to. Sad news indeed. May he rest in peace.

(Photo by Sunni Brock ©)

Gothmas-2024 (pics; En)

Spooky sweets are ready for chubby ghouls and zombies who are about to enter the dwelling.
Happy Hallowe’en to you all!

Wednesday, 30 October 2024

Я знаю-знаю, что долги по постам растут в геометрической прогрессии, но до них пока не доходят руки, честное слово. Но обязательно дойдут (даю себе слово).

Tuesday, 29 October 2024

I know, I know: it’s the same ole friend Jack Skellington all over again, but given my lack of carving skills this is the best pumpkin overlord I managed to create. Sweets and chocolates are harvested for Gothmas, too, so we are ready.

Monday, 28 October 2024

Apple Day-2024 (albeit a week later; En)

You simply cannot miss Apple Day, even though the weather is dismal, the rain is pouring and the queues for every stall are ginormous. Yet! The fresh apple crop is here, the varieties of apples are endless, from edibles to those for cooking, the colours are vibrant, and you bring home a Codiæum (his name is George) and fresh honey produced by pollinators around Addenbrooke’s.

Saturday, 26 October 2024

“Beetlejuice Beetlejuice” (2024)

Это, конечно, совершенно бесшабашный псевдо-гиньоль, безалаберный и суматошный балаган, сумасшедшее и очень веселое полудетское дуракаваляние, хоррор-капустник, в котором актеры вываливаются из мизансцен в конфетти, блестках, ну и кое в чем похуже, куда же без этого (хулиганистая детвора всегда обожала изгваздаться по уши, а там хоть трава не расти). Обожаемая мной Вайнона все так же космически-прекрасна и не от мира сего, Майкл Китон неизменно шутовски-очарователен (кабы все оборотни и домовые из детства были такими — в полосатых костюмах и приходящими на подмогу пусть и не по первому, но по третьему зову уж точно Candyman, I see you), а сарказма Кэтрин О’Хары хватает на все пародии на контемпорари-перфомансы, хоть с Мариной Абрамович или Трейси Эмин, а хоть и без них. Дженна Ортега сыграла блестяще, и я внезапно прониклась к ней совершенно искренней симпатией, а Уиллем Дефо оторвался на полную в роли мема имени себя самого («по правде сказать, я и сам немного следователь»).

Friday, 25 October 2024

But Mr Hayward, a criminologist at the University of Copenhagen, goes much further. In “Infantilised”, he contends that young people today are less mature than previous generations, and that Western culture is to blame. He offers plenty of examples of “kidulting” to reinforce his case. ©
*Shrug* The word kidult was in fashion when yours truly was young (in her early twenties, more than 25 years ago), so it’s not the case. If we take a step away from the usual “this generation is horribly infantile” etc., we quickly end up with a zero sum game, as it doesn’t benefit anybody. The intergenerational shift is usually irreparable—that’s how history is making itself—but what’s new is the omnipotence of the Internet in all its iterations (socials, gaming, overconsumption, you name it), which youngsters are much more prone to comparing with the previous generations, simply because they don’t know anything else (i.e. it’s easy to “touch grass” with your avatar in any existing game than literally go outside for this). What *is* frustratingly obvious is this overall new lukewarm approach, when the best you can do is to become a meme-lord, and all you need for this is more or less reliable access to the local wifi.

Thursday, 24 October 2024

“Hauntings from the mist Letters by a ‘ghost story’ writer whose fictions transcend genre” by Reece Shearsmith (TLS; En)

An excellent new article* in the TLS about Aickman (the link as usual in the first comment) and what is Aickmanesque exactly:
It is certainly one of the recurring criticisms of Aickman, even after a Faber reissue in 2014 to mark his centenary, that his “strange stories”, as he liked to call them, remain too vague, too bloodless and wryly devoid of easy answers, to reach a large audience. An “Aickmanesque” story envelops the reader like a mist, leaving uncertain clues and contradictory rationales. Aickman knew it himself. “It is a queer story”, he wrote of one (without revealing its title). “Not likely to be understood at all.” This is a sentiment he repeats time and again throughout a new selection of his letters to Kirby McCauley, his literary agent in the US. ©
* Silly me: of course, the author, Reece Shearsmith, is one of the League of Gentlemen legends

Wednesday, 23 October 2024

Аркадий Штыпель (1944 — 2024)

Современную поэзию я читаю не без некоторого интеллектуального принуждения (видимо, постепенно атрофируется орган, отвечающий за непрозаическую сопричастность). Но осталось несколько поэтов, которых дочитываю до концевой сноски (их много бывает в пост- и метамодерне, чаще всего условных, но подразумевающихся): Штыпель был одним из таких поэтов — всегда разбивающий «четвертую стену» и делавший читателя соратником и сотворцом.
Выйдя из рук умельца,
вещь становится вещью.
Переживает владельца,
покрывается сетью трещин. 
Рано или поздно вещь попадает на свалку.
Почти никогда – в музей.
Даже разбитую чашку бывает жалко,
и в дело идет клей.
А еще, его переводы Дилана Томаса были безупречны. Светлая память.

Tuesday, 22 October 2024

Поскольку словечко «скуф», вползшее* в активный словарь мирянина из юношеских твиттер-срачей и тиктока, теперь бодро осваивается примерно всеми слоями взрослого населения, я задумалась о его женском эквиваленте**, и получилось следующее:
1. Скуфица (она же синица) — тщедушная женщина в диапазоне от 40 до 60, с невыносимо-активной жизненной позицией в доме, который построил Жук: от одного ее голоса, полного неподдельного жизнелюбия, хочется бежать, роняя тапки, но некуда: она найдет вас и на Северном Полюсе и заставит выйти из зоны комфорта на мороз.
2. Скуфиха (рифмуется со сватьей бабой Бабарихой) — самый распространенный тип женщины средних лет, полноватой, добродушной, щедрой и тайно сокрушающейся о недостижимости размера эс в одежде (впрочем, недолго). Любит веселье и чад кутежа, который чаще всего заключается в посиделках с котами под кофеек с пирожными.
3. Скуфиня (рифмуется с монахиней) — просветленная дама неопределенного возраста (причем, неопределенного с юности): не чужда эзотерики и разнообразных учений, от Порфирия Иванова до сакральных огурцов, которые она сама называет «гностичецкими»; обожает воскурять пряности во всех помещениях, где оказывается (а оказывается она везде), питает слабость к экстравагантным макияжам; всегда предложит вам при случае горстку проросшей пшеницы, нормализующей давление и сон.

Monday, 21 October 2024

God only knows why I haven’t ordered this book earlier, but better later than etc. Also, reading this book would be at some point more rewarding than instantaneously jumping to Harman’s “Weird realism” (just sayin’).

Sunday, 20 October 2024

“M. R. James’s dark world” by Susan Hill (The Spectator, 18 December 2010)

The array of his academic achievements is still mind-boggling: that’t why I was astonished to hear at one academic event a participant who nonchalantly said that “studies conducted by MRJ were extremely boring and would immediately turn off any modern scholar.” Still blame myself for not challenging this foolish statement at the time.
But James, although somewhat unhappily in charge of King’s, was one of the best Provosts Eton ever had and he was also a scholar of distinction, packing more solid achievement into his lifetime than most men who did not have any sort of administrative work to occupy them.
He had studied classics at Cambridge, became assistant in classical archaeology at the Fitzwilliam Museum and later, as a Fellow, then Dean, of King’s, lectured in divinity. He was a bibliographer, palaeographer and antiquarian, and catalogued every medieval manuscript in the Cambridge colleges, a massive work of patience and dedication. His enthusiasm for everything he did carried him on. He had a passionate interest in the Apocrypha and his translation of the Apocryphal New Testament is still a standard work. He was a naturally brilliant linguist and even taught himself Danish and Swedish in order to read writers such as Hans Christian Andersen and the Sagas in the originals. ©

Friday, 18 October 2024

Все-таки шапка из фольги — непростое украшенье*: вдруг видится мне трудно уловимая, а все ж несомненная связь между количеством внезапно обретенных шедевров искусства (как правило, висевших в самом темном углу под лестницей, а то и прямо над кухонной плитою), которым срочно нужен адекватный провенанс**, и выступлениями радетелей за наше без вашего эко-будущее — Эйлин Гетти и Дейла Винса (бывший карма-кольщик, который сейчас мутит схемы с зеленой энергетикой и лоббирует нужные политические силы; по совместительству Кавалер Ордена Британской Империи и борец за все хорошее). «Совсем не палятся».

Thursday, 17 October 2024

Happy Birthday to the one and only Mark Gatiss, Master of all things Jamesian and the Unheimlich! Thank you very much for the GSFC series, the three part History of Horror, for the brilliant Beardsley documentary, for the unsettling and hilarious League of Gentlemen and many more! Chapeau to you, Sir.

Wednesday, 16 October 2024

Um. Whilst writing concisely is beneficial for both the author and the audience, it’s not always the point. Yes, avoiding rambles and cliches is a no brainer, but using a few somewhat longer structured phrases couldn’t harm either. Also, in this example perfectly fine phrasal forms are mixed up with the absolute worst, such as “in spite of the fact that.”

Tuesday, 15 October 2024

That one video about contemporary living with the usual suspect, a renowned architect or a designer. “This is my converted factory: empty space, full of stylish concrete, with two objects d’art from 17th century China. Cosy blankie, you ask? Ew, don’t know her. Why should I”

Monday, 14 October 2024


Впервые за очень долгое время я почти довольна результатами прошедшего дня, чего со мной не случалось уже довольно давно (о провиденсовских записках не забыла, конечно: выложу).

Sunday, 13 October 2024

Nothings and triviality (+x/twitter ramblings)

3 дня твиттера, и боты все так же стараются изо всех сил выяснить, что же мне нужно — с переменным успехом: котики сменяются трад. политсрачами вперемешку с цитатами псевдо-Витгенштейна, научным ангстом и готик-лором.Из неожиданного: обилие красивеньких картинок (борьба с Инстой за почетное звание дома высокой культуры быта? я хз, но не против, конечно).
Ну что, накрасилась дымчатым пурпуром из палетки Too Faced, подвела глаза модным в этом сезоне бордовым кайялом Zoeva, и о чудо! В зеркале мне показали иллюстрацию из монографии «Советская женщина и быт». Все смыла, кнчн.

Saturday, 12 October 2024

Two hot book purchases (En)

Thrifted this beauty (Pan Macmillan, 1968) for £3 today: it’s amusing to see the announcement of a new bestseller on the last page—Ira Levin’s “Rosemary’s Baby”:

This gem by Nunkie (aka Robert Lloyd Perry) was delivered this morning, and it’s delightful:

Friday, 11 October 2024

Yet again: “The peer review industry: implausible and outrageous” (TLS; En)

I had no clue that Robert Maxwell began his business career in academic publishing, lol: that explains a lot. We hate them, my Precious, we do.
Why do we – academics, universities, taxpayers – go along with this? This is a complex question, and many things will go into the answer. One part of the answer is that many journals have established their reputations over decades, and academic communities are reluctant to abandon these titles with their established infrastructure and back catalogues. Another part is the difficulty of initiating methods of research publication different from the journal system as it now is. In the TLS of October 27, 2017, Timothy Gowers, Professor of Mathematics at Cambridge – who has been a strong campaigner against the status quo in the world of academic journals – proposed a number of alternatives to the usual peer review structure. The trouble is that significant change requires a level of collective action and cooperation that seems to be beyond academics and universities, now so pitifully competing with one another for everything. ©

Thursday, 10 October 2024

“The 100 Best Horror Movies of All Time” (according to Variety): a quick random rage (En)

This list is obscene—as per usual. Pasolini’s art house work has been ranked 9th, really? Why not Bergman’s then—Wild Strawberries and such? And the retro slasher (a good one, no doubt) as the first? Pure idiocy.

Wednesday, 9 October 2024

Завела твиттер (не спрашивайте).
Ну в целом пока что впечатления такие: в парадном углу Маск, брейкинг ньюз и модные мемасики, но основной контент фида — фешн ангст людей примерно на 25 лет младше. Но живенько и интересно. Наблюдаем дальше. 

Tuesday, 8 October 2024

Рабочее-короткое (дисклеймер)

Что-то я немного выдохлась. Работы полно, а я как болван — не знаю, за что хвататься в первую очередь. Соберусь с духом и перенесу сюда оставшиеся заметки с Армитаджа, а потом и французские.

Monday, 7 October 2024


Дорогие мои израильтяне, хочется вас всех обнять и хоть как-то утешить, хотя все слова утешения тут бессмысленны. Скорблю вместе с вами. Вечная память убитым мученикам.

Sunday, 6 October 2024

12th Anniversary: misc (En; photos)

You simply cannot start celebrating without a cake and a few macaroons! And continue with desserts (nevermind that posting food porn is frowned upon: let’s proceed with festivities):

12th Anniversary (En)

When I checked the forecast yesterday, it looked somewhat dull—a typical warm and grey-ish early October weather, nothing else to expect. Yet when I woke up, the room was permeated with beaming sunlight—exactly like 12 years ago, on the day of our wedding.
But of course I was excited and worried—similarly to the level of anxiety I’d felt earlier, at the Shire Hall office, when nervously replying “yes!” to the question “are you related to him”: the facial expression of the office clerk, a charming lady, was one of those that people call “complex” (she nearly burst into laughter, but remained professional until the end).
I was nervous yet everything went surprisingly perfectly and smoothly—a lovely sunny day, my dress wasn’t stained or torn, my high-heeled shoes were comfortable enough to jog, my bouquet was gorgeous, Pachelbel’s Canon sounded divine when I was taken down the aisle, my friends were incredible, our reception at an old Italian restaurant, La Margherita, was cosy and welcoming, with the most delicious food you could ever imagine, our cake was nice, the girls punting on the river Cam yelling to us “Happy Wedding day!” when we took our pics on the Magdalene Bridge were funny and sweet, but the main thing was that dear goofball next to me to whom I said “Yes!”
Happy Anniversary, my darling.

Saturday, 5 October 2024

Nothings and triviality

Как выяснилось, моя стоматология (отличные врачи и проч.) с недавних пор предлагает филлеры и ботокс в качестве вспомогательной услуги. Бессмертное «в чем секрет моей молодости? доброта, шиншилла и самообман» заиграло новыми красками — с деликатными отблесками (и отзвуками) зубовного скрежета.

Friday, 4 October 2024

“Doubts about Thomas: Who wrote Thomas of Woodstock?” by Brian Vickers (TLS)

All I read about the authorship of “Thomas of Woodstock” in the past were endless ruminations about its anonymity, without any definitive source of attribution, but these two paragraphs made me chuckle:
Lake and Jackson were admirable exponents of what I have called the “open”, or empirical approach to authorship attribution studies, based on close observation of the texts. “Closed” approaches, by contrast, are those where enquirers are convinced that they know who the author is. Some are locked into a belief that Shakespeare’s plays were written by Francis Bacon, using a special cipher; others favour Edward de Vere, 17th Earl of Oxford (1550–1604). Readers may wonder how de Vere was able to publish and perhaps act in the six or seven plays that Shakespeare had yet to produce, but as we know from contemporary evidence, for conspiracy theorists all things are possible.
Claims that Bacon wrote Shakespeare were decisively refuted by the Bacon scholar J. M. Robertson in the 600 pages of The Baconian Heresy: A confutation (1913), who confronted “the Baconian fantasy” afresh, while recording that “many of these claims were made years before; but they seem to recur spontaneously”. This is true of all such fantasy attributions. If there are typing facilities in Purgatory, the authorship claimants may work away happily ever after there [LOL] ©

Wednesday, 2 October 2024

There is a long history behind the whole Reviewer 2 meme, and the main issue is that in real life facing a nasty reviewer isn’t funny (speaking from my personal experience). Idk what should happen to the reviewing industrial complex in order to make it look and feel decent, as so many people in Academia *really* love to shit on their younger colleagues simply because “fuck you that’s why.”
That is why I try hard NOT to be this person, while reviewing even objectively poor papers: it doesn’t cost you anything to be polite and keep your frustrations to yourself.