Friday 19 April 2024


Me to L., after morning coffee: “I forgot which states were in New England—Rhode island, Massachusetts, New Hampshire, Maine, Connecticut...”
L.: “...and Vermont.”
Me: “Ah, Vermont... Ok, got it.”
FB bots (overhearing; with immediate curiosity): “Why are you asking? Wanna go to Vermont? Wanna live in Vermont by any chance? Vermont is waiting for you! We also have s o c k s.”


Абсолютно никто:
Л. в полночь: «А хорошо было бы сделать парк аттракционов «Мертвые души»»
Я: «Эээээ»
Л.: «…и чтобы каждая карусель — как бы поместье эсквайра, которого навещал Чичиков по списку»
Я: «Помещика»
Л.: «Да, и чтобы там кормили, как во втором томе, когда один из них предлагал Чичикову поросенка»

Thursday 18 April 2024

Неожиданно обнаружила новые correspondances между одной из работ позднего Уайета (начало 2000-х: On the Edge) и картиной Даду Шина — одиночество, о(т)странение, созерцательная и глубокая печаль.

Периодически у меня случаются такие дни, когда я чувствую неконтролируемую тревогу, которая мешает мне работать и концентрироваться на серьезных вещах. Поводом для беспокойства может стать что угодно, и в конце дня это давящее тоскливое ощущение погружения на дно крепнет и разрастается, да так, что я с трудом потом возвращаюсь в нормальное русло. Может, возраст тому виной и накопившаяся за многие месяцы усталость от внешних ужасов (нет смысла уточнять, каких именно: и так понятно), но стряхнуть с себя это липкую давящую тоску бывает труднее, чем написать несколько страниц статьи в дедлайновом цейтноте. 

Tuesday 16 April 2024

А вот и постер НекрономиКона-2024 подоспел — совершенно роскошный, практически ар нуво:

Monday 15 April 2024

Текущее-рабочее (телетайп)

Забукировали билеты в Бостон и обратно, а еще мне пришел традиционный некрономиконовский опросник по участию в круглых столах (пдф с примерными темами для дискуссий тоже был прикреплен к письму). Решила, что в этом году с меня хватит Армитаджа, и в секциях принимать участие не буду: каждый раз очень сильно нервничаю и не всегда уверена в фидбеке аудитории (зря, наверное, потому что публика обычно очень дружелюбная и понимающая).

Sunday 14 April 2024

The previous week was somewhat overwhelming for a variety of reasons; the weather added to the entire ordeal. That’s why, when we noticed the odd golden orb in the sky, we didn’t hesitate to go for a lengthy walk, choosing Chesterton as one of the destinations (one of L.’s first Cambridge locations was there: it’s amusing to think that he went to the Lab and Clare from the opposite side of Cambridge 40 years ago).
The city does feel strange these days: it’s still not sunny enough for proper spring yet it’s warm(-ish), and, despite the muted colours, everything is blooming and looking lovely.
So there—Orchard Close (one of the most picturesque central streets), Midsummer Common with young calves chewing dandelions, that weird Michelin star restaurant by the river (still haven’t been in and am not sure if I want to), the bridge, and then Chesterton’s oldest St. Andrew’s church that I love dearly for its silence, magnificent Victorian stained glass, gargoyles and decrepit gravestones in the abandoned cemetery. That was a nice walk.

Saturday 13 April 2024

*Reading the Atlantic article about the issues that the young people who grew up with social media experiencing* 
This is truly horrifying but blatantly obvious: that’s what happened when oversharing has become not only a personal problem, but also an issue for your loved ones, especially children. Coincidentally, I recently started noticing that human exhaustion from socials—at least, among adults: people are less sharing their “what’s on your mind” content, and rightfully so, as being instantly misunderstood, misinterpreted and ostracised became the very idea of online interactions. Hence Reddit and all the AITA shenanigans.

Friday 12 April 2024

As many of you may already know, we here, in England, haven’t had that odd yellow orb in the sky for many months, hence everything looks much gloomier than usual, despite the (supposedly) awakening season. But what never ceases to amaze me is our garden: it’s bleak, and grey, and overall melancholic yet more and more flowers are emerging from the remnants of rainy March, and even without sunlight they look magical.
(The views from the windows)

Thursday 11 April 2024

“Scoop” (Netflix)

Ok, I watched the Netflix “Scoop.”
In short: it was bad. My first, and immediate, question before even starting was, “What is the point to make something sensational and bombastic about such a recent event?”, but after the first opening remarks I sort of figured it out: of course, it was that unstoppable desire to praise the “impartial BBC” just like some people chant on social media about “our precious NHS*” etc.
So, basically, the entire movie turned into a lengthy self-assuring and self-righteous stance about interviewing a revolting individual and all the fuss that had surrounded the notorious interview with the aforementioned individual. It was full of a glee-filled cackle from the attention-seeking wassocks—some, lithe and dulcet, with whippets in their workplace (ah, that unimaginable for hoi polloi luxury of swanning around a studio with the superior motto “because I can”), the others in expensive pumps with a leopard print (“because I’ve been paid good money to look that cheap” etc.), and all that for the mere “Tu l’as voulu, Georges Dandin!”