I can’t.
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Uketsu’s YouTube videos are less absurdist, but just as creepy. Using a voice modifier to make his pitch high and childlike, he plays detective, inviting the viewer to solve mysteries with him. He wears a black bodysuit and a white papier-mâché mask, with poked holes for the eyes and mouth. He presents pictures and interviews “witnesses” over a landline. “Do you understand what’s wrong with this house?” he asks at the beginning of Hen na le (The Strange House). “Look again.” ©
Then another folklorist came on the scene. Jessie Saxby (1842-1940) is the villain in this story. She had a very vivid imagination. She didn’t like the idea that Wulver’s Hool derives from álf, fairy. She wanted something more dramatic. So she invented the entirely fictitious creature the wulver. She even named her house Wulvershool. ©